Tap AARP Livability Index to Help Clients Make Better Buying Decisions | SRES®

Tap AARP Livability Index to Help Clients Make Better Buying Decisions

Tap AARP Livability Index to Help Clients Make Better Buying Decisions

Clients look to you to help them understand all the livability features that will contribute to their well-being in a prospective neighborhood.

Thanks to a collaboration between AARP’s Livability Index (https://bit.ly/3wdmRvA) and the National Association of REALTORS® Realtors Property Resource® (https://auth.narrpr.com/auth/sign-in), you now have easy access to a wealth of data to give your baby boomer and senior clients a complete picture of a given neighborhood and address their questions about a particular zip code.

AARP’s Livability Index data now is accessible on the RPR® website and mobile apps.

AARP’s Livability Index gives communities an overall score and provides ratings in seven categories:

  • Housing (Affordability and access)
  • Neighborhood (Life, work, and play)
  • Transportation (Safe and convenient options)
  • Environment (Clean air and water)
  • Health (prevention, access, and quality)
  • Engagement (civic and social involvement)
  • Opportunity (inclusion and possibilities)

In addition, by using the comparison tool, you can size up the differences among up to three locations and help buyers weigh the pros and cons of communities, and make the best home buying decisions for themselves.