Have you recommended that clients stage their home, but they're still skeptical about its benefits?
The "2021 Profile of Home Staging" by the National Association of REALTORS® (https://bit.ly/2Q6qlRf) can help you make a case for its value.
One interesting fact worth sharing: buyers have been influenced by how homes on TV shows look. A median of 10 percent of respondents say that buyers thought that homes should look how they're staged on those shows.
How well does your client's house align with such buyers' expectations?
Forty-seven percent of buyers' agents said that home staging affects some buyers, but not always, and 44 percent said it affects most buyers.
Also, staging can help to raise the selling price, and 23 percent of sellers' agents reported an increase of one to five percent of the dollar value offered by buyers compared to similar homes.
One option is recommending that clients stage just a few rooms. According to the NAR study, the four most important rooms to stage were the living room (46%), the master bedroom (43%), the kitchen (35%), and the dining room (27%).
The study also arms you with other valuable data, including the importance of video, photos, virtual tours, the cost of home staging and who pays, and the impact of viewing staged homes on buyers.